Tok Dump is under the same umbrella as Muddy Waters Moving.  We are here to address the homelessness crises our country and city is facing. 

I am a certified health care aide who couldn’t find a job in the field, so I set up both companies to help solve the problems of homelessness.

Items that can be salvageable will end up in my non-profit store (future date, and place to be announced).  Other large furniture items will be taken to Centre Flavie where it will be given to people in need.  I do not have any affiliation with this company, though I like their generosity, and share the same vision they do.

Items sold from my store will be going to help re-educate, hire, and help with affordable housing in a safe, healthy home atmosphere.  vulnerable people, Seniors, PWD, mental illness, and addictions is where my heart is. 

I could not have done this without the support and many clients I have met through muddy waters moving.  I thank all of you for making my visions become a reality.


I am hoping to have a dedicated truck (s) specifically for dump runs and should have a larger 5 tonne truck to accommodate larger 3 bedroom and house moves this summer.

Prices for dump runs are as follows:  1 tonne and under:  $125, 2 tonne and under is $175, and a full truck load of 3 tonne is $225 which includes tipping fees. 

Please feel free to contact me through the phone links provided, or email me at

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